Imamo več kot 25 let izkušenj v IT, sistemih kakovosti in lean/agilnih metodologijah razvoja. Vedno v službi izboljšav in inovaciji.
Lahko vam pomagamo pri vzpostavitvi in vzdrževanju sistemov kakovosti. Imamo izkušnje z ISO 9001, 13485 in 27001
Smo strokovnjaki za odpravo vseh omejitev do večje učinkovitosti pri razvojnih procesih. Scrum, SAFe, Kanban, XP in ostale prijeme uvedemo v vaše dnevne procese
Lahko vam pomagamo pri pripravi, validaciji in verifikaciji vseh potrebnih artifaktov za dokazovanje zrelosti obvladovanja občutljivih in osebnih podatkov. Izkušnje imamo po več EU trgih.
Welcome to the dawn of a new era in healthcare, where cutting-edge technologies and innovative approaches are transforming the landscape of the medical device industry. In this article, we delve into the most groundbreaking trends shaping the future of healthcare, from the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning to the rise of telemedicine and remote monitoring.
Health equity refers to the idea that everyone should have the same opportunity to be healthy, regardless of their social or economic background. The problem with health equity is that certain groups of people may face barriers to accessing healthcare and other factors that contribute to good health. This can lead to health disparities, where some groups have higher rates of illness and shorter life expectancies than others.
As digital transformation becomes more widespread, electronic data is playing an increasingly important role in healthcare organisations. This data must be kept confidential, integral and secure, while still being readily accessible whenever needed. People should be able to access healthcare without worrying about their privacy, safety and security — which in turn means healthcare systems need to be absolutely transparent in order to assure the concerns of patients worldwide. If electronic data is not properly protected, it can have a devastating impact on clinical care and the overall operation of healthcare institutions.
Without data, humanity would be unable to evolve. Therefore, we must protect it adequately, to continue its best use.
The patient safety must not be questioned. The medical device must fulfil what promised with reasonable risk for the patient.
PbD as a cultural change. The driving force to improve your policies, practices, guidelines and products by integrating privacy into your culture.